My Github page is here.
My GitLab page is here.
Active Projects
- This site - Hugo static site landing page/blog-type thing
- Wesj K3s Argo - Reference Kubernetes Devops environment for this site and other apps
- Twitter Deleter - Deletes your old Tweets without selling your data
Less-active Projects
My AdventOfCode 2020 solutions, written in Rust
YASA - A prototype scouting application for FIRST Robotics Competition using customizable HTML scoresheets.
PunBot - Haskell-based Slack Chat reader/poster bot
Dead Projects
Let’s go Eat Already - 2017 VTHacks Submission
LayoutBasedScouting - Customizable Scouting Application using JSON scoresheets; Written for the 2015 FRC Season.
- PC component:
- Android component: